1. Latviešu
X Mēs izmantojam savā tīmekļvietnē tikai nepieciešamās tehniskās sīkdatnes. Šīs sīkdatnes ir nepieciešamas tīmekļa vietnes darbībai, tāpēc tās nevar izslēgt, un tādēļ lietotāja piekrišana šai sīkdatņu kategorijai netiek prasīta.


Rigas Agenskalns State Gymnasium


  • The first records of our school are from 1681, when Rigas council decided to open a school across Daugava, with learning language as German.

  • It was realized in 1688, when Hanss Heinrihs Berns opened Agenskalns city boy school.

  • In 1690, Ernests Freidman Hubner became the new head teacher, and also received books for the poorer students.

  • In 1805, Agenskalns girls school was founded.

  • In 1872, Saint Lucas city boys school was founded.

  • In 1902, all previously named schools moved to new school buildings in Lavizes street 2a, by architects Rihards Smelings project.

  • In 1904, Svarcmuizas city girls school was founded.

  • In 1906, all previously named schools get renamed to - Rigas city Svarcmuizas united elementary school.

  • In 1923, the school was renamed to Rigas city 4th middle school.

  • In 1939, the school wildy celebrated its 250th anniversary, receiving Agenskalns latvian society gifted flag with slogan - “Lock our hearts in suns bow, let’s grow big for Latvia! ”

  • In 1940, was renamed to Rigas 24th middle school.

  • In 1941, was renamed to Rigas 4th middle school.

  • In 1944, was renamed to Rigas 4th Seven year school.

  • In 1953, was renamed to Rigas 38th high school.

  • In 1961, was renamed to Rigas 38th Seven year school.

  • In 1973, was renamed to Rigas 73th high school. During this year, school gained a new school block, which included - concert room, sports hall, cafeteria and new classrooms.

  • In 1979, the school started teaching in depth physics and math.

  • In 1990, in association with RTU, was renamed to RTU Agenskalns college.

  • In 1995, 1st to 6th grade students gained new rooms in Zellu iela, where they founded Frica Brivzemnieka middle school.

  • In 1996, September 1st was renamed to Agenskalns State gymnasium.


*1923, Rigas city 4th middle school


Janis Davidsons(1944-1958)(in the photo)


Peteris Breikss(1931-1941)(in the photo)



In our school, you can learn the following subjects

  1. Languages

    1. Latvian    

    2. 2nd language - English

    3. 3rd language - German/Spanish/Russian/French

  2. Social and civil learning

    1. Social sciences

    2. Latvian and world history

  3. Cultural understanding and self expression

    1. Visual arts

    2. Music

    3. Literature

    4. Theatre art

    5. Psychology

  4. Natural sciences

    1. Chemistry

    2. Physics

    3. Biology

    4. Geography

  5. Maths

    1. Maths

    2. Discrete mathematics

  6. Technologies

    1. Design and technology

    2. IT

    3. Engineering

  7. Health and physical education

    1. Sport and health


Latvian, English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, social sciences, Latvian and world history, visual arts, music, literature, theatre art, psychology, chemistry, physics, geography, maths, discrete mathematics, design and technology, IT, engineering, sports and health, national defense training, business basics, culture basics, programming, technical graphics.



We support learning in 4 programms - maths and physics, maths and natural sciences, maths and business, languages and culture.




There are  several choirs and dance groups, which include:

  • Vainags for 7th to 9th grade

  • Vainags for 10th to 12th grade

  • Choir for 7th to 9th grade

  • Mixed choir for high school

  • 7th to 9th grade girl choir “Madaras”

  • 10th to 12th grade girl choir “Lavīze”